A recent article in the Advertiser by that guru of all things bird-related in Geelong Trevor Pescott, informed me that I could expect to find Grey Goshawks, Brown Goshawks, Australian Hobbies, Peregrine Falcons and a variety of other raptors hanging around Fyansford at this time of year. I was a little surprised to learn this, as in several years of traversing this part of the river, I had only ever seen a single Nankeen Kestrel near Queen's Park and within the last few months, a juvenile Brown Goshawk down near Belmont Common. A little more Googling confirmed that I could definitely expect to find raptors anywhere from Fyansford to town. Tempted to go to Fyansford, but with limited time, I opted instead to walk to Breakwater and back towards town. The raptors would have to wait.
Juvenile Brown Goshawk near Belmont Common on 6th February, 2012 |
On this occasion however, I had no further success. The Goshawk had vanished, so I continued my stroll, chased down a couple of butterflies, had lunch and dawdled back towards town. I crossed back over the McIntyre Bridge and was heading for the boatsheds when I noticed another pair of rather predatory wings circling overhead. This time I was in luck. My quarry immediately headed for a nearby communications tower and settled. I doubled back and got as close as I could, however the height of the tower precluded any decent close ups with my little camera. Nonetheless, I was still able to identify what I believe was an Australian Hobby. The first I'd seen. Eventually, it decided to move on and I headed for home.
Australian Hobby near the Moorabool St Bridge |
So, with nothing to show for my efforts on Thursday, I decided to give it another go on Friday. With more time and another packed lunch I headed for Fyansford. Right on cue, as I left Queen's Park behind and rode below the Deviation, I spotted large brown wings circling overhead. Probably another goshawk I thought and true to recent form, it immediately disappeared before I could even get off my bike let alone get a decent photo. This was becoming a familiar pattern.
Eventually I gave up before I added a stiff neck to my sore legs, had some lunch and annoyed a few more butterflies before jumping back on the bike and heading round to Red Gum Island where I went for a wander up the anabranch before crossing over onto the island and following a little trail I hadn't realised existed until now.
It isn't exactly suited to riding but I managed to haul the bike over rocks, under branches, around trees and even down some steps without too much difficulty. It was as the trail neared the point where it rejoins the main track along the river that I saw a large completely white bird land in a gum tree on the opposite side of the river. At a quick glance and at that distance it could have been a cocky or maybe even a small egret, however I spotted thick yellow legs and it was a little too chunky to be a cocky.
Grey Goshawk - white morph at Fyansford |
Grey Goshawk - white morph at Fyansford |
Another point which was reiterated as I attempted to photograph the goshawk was the difficulty of taking shots of white birds. They are terribly prone to coming out glary and over exposed even in what should be relatively ordinary shots. The goshawk was no exception, so it looks like I will need to head back to Fyansford to see if I can improve my technique.