The weather today was perfect for a stroll along the river, so with the kids in tow, I decided to do just that. We wandered towards Breakwater where they were quick to discover the many attractions of a bridge, some fast flowing water and a few sticks.
Playing at the Break |
A diverting few minutes were spent paddling, poking, splashing and "fishing" before we headed off once more.
Of course we were not the only ones making the most of the weather. Pedestrians, cyclists and joggers of all ages were in abundance. The golfers were on the greens, a group of enthusiastic athletes was cutting laps at Landy Field and the usual array of birds was making itself both seen and heard.
We soon discovered however, that they weren't the only ones making use of the river.
The CFA at the Barwon |
As they sometimes do, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) were taking the opportunity put some of their equipment through its paces. Much to the delight of a group of children on the bank, they backed two of their trucks up to the boat ramp and proceeded to pump water from the river, spraying it back through smaller hoses.
Boys and their toys: the CFA testing equipment at the Barwon
I had hoped for a spectacular display with streams of water arching out across the river, catching the sunlight and throwing up rainbows or sparkling like jewels. All of which I would have captured in perfectly framed shots and posted on this blog.
However the boys on the opposite bank did not seem keen to oblige and so the best I could manage was a few quick photos as they gave the hose a quick flick, no doubt wondering why the strange woman on the other bank was pointing a camera at them. They will no doubt be back so perhaps next time I'll get those shots...
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